Friday, January 27, 2012

Am I grieving right?

Was turned on to this article by a good friend of mine. It totally relates to yesterday's post about APA talking about redefining grief as a form of depression....

We pay a price when labeling grief as an illness.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Grief Could Join List of Disorders

An article in yesterday's New York Times really gave me pause. It's about reclassifying grief, or ongoing grief, as a form of depression in the new version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Having suffered from depression all my life, and having struggled with ongoing and complicated grief from multiple losses, I'm really conflicted about this. Read the whole article here....

Grief Could Join List of Disorders

I do know that I'm against prescribing medication, at least anti-depressants, for people dealing with grief. People need counseling. Someone to talk to. They don't need to line the pockets of big pharma just because their heart is extremely broken.