Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Genuine Jet Broken Heart Tasbih Prayer Beads

This is the third set of prayers beads I've made. Stella has the first set and Wallowa has the second set. Prayer beads have been on my mind and heart a lot ever since I used Jamshed's altar tasbih to say 99 prayers for him as he lay dying last October. I'm making them with a lot of intention and it's been pretty challenging work. I use each set for awhile before I let them go...
Here's the link to the eBay listing for

DVH Real Jet Tasbih Prayer Beads Broken Heart Necklace

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I found your blog through your artjewelry magazine thread. I saw all of your jet hearts and pendants there and felt compelled to contact you. I make jewelry out of jet. The connection to the Victorian era and mourning jewelry has always been inspiring however I do not consider the work I make to be mourning jewelry. I just absolutely LOVE the material. I especially enjoy leaving it in a matte finish. It has a luster to it that is almost pearl like when you leave it that way and oil it. Check out my work at Pretty soon I will have some newer work posted on there too ;) I would love to have a conversation with you about jet!
